Saturday 28 April 2018

Wasay Jalil Resigns from MQM

Wasay Jalil Resigns from MQM
The senior leader of Mutahida Quami Movement (MQM) Wassay Jalil has resigned from MQM’s basic membership on Saturday urging Muhajirs to unite leaving behind all kind of disputes.

“I am leaving MQM with heavy heart as MQM has given me identity and courage to fight for their rights,” he announced the decision on micro-blogging website, Twitter.

He warned some elements intended to eliminate the Muhajir identity , however they can’t get success in their nefarious designs because the blood of hundred of thousands martyred was lying in the foundation of nation.Small children are speaking whatever is written in script: Wasay JalilHe stressed the people, Muhajirs, joined themselves and work for the betterment of the nation and hope their future would be bright and they could be defeated.

On August 26, 2017, MQM London Coordination Committee [Rabita Committee] has ousted the committee member and senior party leader Wasay Jalil.

Committee reviewed the serious violation of party discipline and after consultation Wasay Jalil’s membership was scrapped.

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