Monday 2 December 2019

Biggest news in the History of Pakistan's Science & Technology

Pakistan's first Science & Technology Park by Prime Minister Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan is about to inaugurate Pakistan’s first Science & Technology Park.

An initiative of NUST, and in line with the vision of our Prime Minister, the National Science & Technology Park is here to play its role in strengthening the national economy. It all starts on the 9th of December, 2019.

NSTP is located at the heart of Pakistan’s beautiful capital Islamabad, housed at the country’s no. 1 Engineering and Technology University, that carries the strength of a vast and cohesive research ecosystem. It is the most attractive location in the country to bring your research, development and innovation endeavors to. More than 40 companies – startups, SMEs, and tech giants, have come together, and this is just the beginning.

Remember the 9th of December – the countdown has begun, to the date that will go down in history as the launch of the country’s largest innovation ecosystem!

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