Tuesday 1 January 2019

2019 is beginning of Pakistan's golden era: PM Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan wishes new year to the entire nation
Prime Minister Imran Khan rang in the new year saying that 2019 is the beginning of Pakistan's golden era and vowed to continue his mission against the ills plaguing the country.

“Our New Year resolution is to wage jihad against the four ills of our country: poverty, illiteracy, injustice and corruption,” the premier tweeted.

“InshaAllah 2019 is the beginning of Pakistan's golden era.”

President Dr Arif Alvi sent wishes to the entire nation and said that he prays Pakistan keeps moving towards prosperity.

“I wish a Happy New Year to everyone and pray that Allah offers you and your family success and happiness.

I also pray that Pakistan keeps moving towards prosperity so that poverty and unemployment are eliminated from the country,” the president said

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