Friday 30 November 2018

FM Qureshi terms Indian army chief's remarks to make Pakistan secular state 'illogical'

Shah Memood terms Indian army chief's remarks to make Pakistan secular state 'illogical'
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Saturday has termed the ‎remarks of Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat regarding turning Pakistan into a secular state as illogical.‎

Talking to media in Multan, the foreign minister rejected General Rawat’s statement, saying that the ‎ideology of Pakistan cannot be changed at any cost. Opening of Kartarpur corridor may improve ‎Pakistan and India relations, he added.‎

On Friday, Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat said that Pakistan ‎has to develop as a ‎secular state if it wants to enjoy good ties with India.‎

Responding to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s statement regarding peace and dialogue between the two ‎‎countries, General Rawat said that its Pakistan’s turn to show practical action against terrorism.‎

While ignoring worst behavior with the Kashmiris and minorities in India, the army chief asked Pakistan ‎to take steps ‎for secularism. ‎

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