Saturday 27 July 2019

Sindh Govt ranked the lowest in taking initiative and resolving complaints

Pakistan Citizens’ Portal
The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan was presented with a compilation report today of each province and how well they performed in resolving the complaints received on the state-managed application, ‘The Citizen’s Portal’.

Federal government at the top for resolving most number of complaints received on the portal, sent by common citizens.
Federal Institutes and Ministers resolved a total of 3,64000 complaints which was 89% of the total received.

Sindh Government ranked the lowest in taking initiative and resolving what ailed the residents of the province.

Provincial institutes of Sindh have only been able to resolve 30% of the complaints which made their way to them through the application.Pending complaints on the app from the entire country thus far stand at 37,574. Out of the nearly 38000 pending complaints, 32000 are for matters pertaining to Sindh.

Pakistan Citizens’ Portal is an app through which citizens can send their complaints to the departments concerned. The portal was set up at the Prime Minister’s office with an aim to timely address complaints sent by people. The PM Office will oversee the process of resolution of public complaints and the implementation of recommendations thereof.

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