Wednesday 26 December 2018

Helping the Blind See With Their Tongues

Helping the Blind See With Their Tongues
Technology, for me, it’s giving something back to somebody who was taken out of humanity.

What if we told you there are new innovations that can help about 285 million people around the world living with a visual impairment move around with a little more ease?

Okay, it’s easy enough to believe, but what if we told you the innovation works by using the surface of their tongues?

Now here’s something that should be celebrated: there’s an increasing number of sensory-substitution devices being developed that use the brain in the most remarkable way.

These devices take in visual information from the environment and translate it into forms of physical touch or sound in order to be interpreted by the user as vision.

In a few moments, you’ll learn a bit more about just how the advanced technology of the BrainPort® V100 is helping the blind see with their tongues, and feel what kind of impact these new innovations can have on someone’s quality of life.

Huge thanks to the talented director, Paul Hairston, of Acres for capturing the story of Andy Fabino, and sharing it with us.

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