Sunday 27 January 2019

Local, foreign media representatives visit Miranshah along with ISPR DG

Local, foreign media representatives visit Miranshah along with ISPR DG
Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor Sunday said work on about 900 kilometer fence along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border had been completed.

Briefing a team of journalists and anchor-persons at Ghulam Khan, a bordering village in North Waziristan Agency, he said the work on erection of about 1200 km chunk, the most sensitive portion out of the total 2600 km long border with the neighbouring country, had commenced last year.

Zero Point is the entry and exit point of Pakistan from Afghanistan where a formal border post was constructed last year. Major Gen Asif Ghafoor said the project would cost about Rs70 billion, which also included the cost of gadgets and surveillance equipment to keep strict vigil on the illicit movement from across the border.

The ISPR DG said the fence had amply helped check the movement of terrorists from across the border and it would further assist after completion of the project which was expected to culminate next year.

The visit of media-persons was conducted for the first time in the country’s history as no such activity could have happened as all the area had been “no go area” for the civilians or even by the security forces themselves.

The area was used to be the part of “Ilaqa Ghair” and no civilian could ever dare to think to deliberately visit the places, since even before the country had come into being.

Giving breakup of the fence, the DG ISPR said about 1200 kms of the border lay in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while the rest part of the total 2600 kms was in Balochistan.

Responding to a question regarding the impact of reconciliation process in Afghanistan, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor said that Pakistan had been playing a role into it and if the parties concerned stroke some mutual settlement it would ultimately be in its interest also.

Due to that settlement, he said, the terror elements having backing of inimical forces in Afghanistan, like the TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) would have to opt for some reconciliatory path as they would be left with no other choice.

Earlier, Commander 11 Corps Lt Gen Shaheen and his team separately arranged a briefing at the Corps Headquarters Peshawar.

During the question and answer session, the Corps Commander said after the end of war in the area the troops were now in the process of consolidation while steps were in hand to resettle about 4,000 families, which had earlier gone to Afghanistan some four decades back.

He said 95 % work on the resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) had already been accomplished. As regards the Pahtun Tahfuz Movement (PTM), he said their most of the demands had already been met with while the rest, if any, could be sorted out through a dialogue process.

He said following the operation against militants, there was no “No Go Area” in the erstwhile FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas), which had become part of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

He said the local commanders had been empowered to hold dialogue and meetings with the people of their respective areas and help mitigate their grievances.

The delegation was also taken to Miranshah, the district Headquarters of North Waziristan where they directly interacted with the local populace. They, including students, traders and common citizens, while interacting with the media persons welcomed the role of Pakistan Army in restoring complete peace in the area.

 However, some others showed anguish for not giving them financial compensation by the civil administration for the losses incurred during over a decade long drive against militancy.

On the occasion, head of the Petroleum Dealers Association Raqib Gull said the local administration had carried out estimation of the losses caused to the petrol pumps in the area. He said around 69 petrol pumps were damaged and they demanded financial compensation of Rs560 million.

While interacting with the local populace, Major Gen Asif Ghafoor said steps were in hand to sort out their genuine demands, besides promptly undertaking work on the development schemes. Meeting with the longstanding demand of the people, he said mobile service in the area would be launched in March this year.

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