Tuesday 4 September 2018

Putin Awards “Order Of Friendship” To Four Pakistanis

Putin Awards “Order Of Friendship” To Four Pakistanis
Russian president Vladimir Putin has awarded the ‘Order of Friendship’ to the four Pakistanis who rescued Russian mountaineer Alexander Gukov.

In July, a Pakistan Army team had rescued the Russian mountaineer who had been stranded on the Latok 1 mountain peak which is a part of the Karakoram range.According to an official statement issued by the Russian Gazette, the official government newspaper, “Kazi Muhammad, Abid Rafik, Muhammad Anzhum Rafik and Fakhar-i-Abbas have become Knights of the Order of Friendship, for their participation in the operation to save the Russian climber.”

Gukov had been trapped at a height of 20,650 feet for six days and was rescued after an intense helicopter mission.

He had run out of food three days before he was rescued with bad weather preventing helicopters from reaching the spot.

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